Went out for black Friday to pick up some new SB'S and been having this song on my mind all day so peep the track and hope you all had a good and safe Thanksgiving.
Hit up the sac greet&meet last weekend I have to say it was a chill meet. Poeple playing grid on a big screen tv coming out of a scion tv and some RC drifting.
Here are some pictures from SOTU that went down in sacramnento 2 weeks ago. Sorry for the bad cell phone pics. On a good note I will try and update my blog on time for now on thanks for looking.
Hello I am Matthew Thomas, 24 Years Old I enjoy photography, car's, traveling.
My blog will mainly consist of Japanese cars, music and art and occasionally none Japanese cars. Thanks for viewing my blog and I hope you enjoy your time looking through my blog.
If you have any questions for me you can reach me at tougel89@yahoo.com