So a few weeks ago Norm Reeves Honda meet went down and I have to say it was a really relaxing meet easy going people and BBQ. I might have to say it was the best meet I have been to for HONDA'S since I moved down here to LA. Hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks for stopping by the blog!!
I have always wanted to go to redline time attack but the only problem was that I lived in Northern California and the event always took place in Southern California and that is a LONG drive. So now that I moved down to LA I knew had the chance to check out Redline and I have to say the environment was really laid back, Nothing like a laid back track day those are the best. and that is a LONG drive. So now that I moved down to LA I knew had the chance to check out Redline and I have to say the environment was really laid back, Nothing like a laid back track day those are the best.
So when I found out there was going to be a accord meet in SoCal I just had to check it out mainly because the Accord is one of the most slept on car's in the North American Honda Community. Hope you enjoy the pictures and have a chill night/day.. PEACE
Hello I am Matthew Thomas, 24 Years Old I enjoy photography, car's, traveling.
My blog will mainly consist of Japanese cars, music and art and occasionally none Japanese cars. Thanks for viewing my blog and I hope you enjoy your time looking through my blog.
If you have any questions for me you can reach me at